Danesh English Festival (7th grade)

The festival has started in 7:45. Students started presenting their topics. After some presentations, judges asked some questions about the presentations. After some questions the students start presenting again. At the end of the round, judges asked a question from audience and the first round ended in 8:45. After a 15 minutes break the second round started.

we did the same thing for the 3 other rounds that we did for the first round .

For the last class of the day , we all went to the conference salon to see the results about the festival. All students were excited for the results. For the winners of the questions of each round, teachers spun a wheel and they called the winners to come and get their prizes.

Then it was the time for the winners that audience chose. After they got their prizes, it was the time for the real winners of the festival. At the end of the festival, winners took a picture with the judges and the festival has ended at 2 o`clock.

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